Fully managed (#fully-managed)

Google Play System Updates (mainline) are no longer managed by Android Enterprise system update policies

Understanding system app availability on managed devices

Something that defines the experience of a managed device, and is oft-unexplained. Vital apps are key to ensuring a device offers a suitable enterprise environment.

Feature spotlight: Factory Reset Protection

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Advisories (#advisories)

Google Play System updates (mainline) are no longer managed by System Update policies

Docs updated in the early April reflect a recent change in management strategy for GPSU

Android will not permit install of very old apps from 14

You'll now see security exceptions for new installations of non-compliant apps.

CVE-2024-0519, Chrome for Android

Google is aware of reports that an exploit for CVE-2024-0519 exists in the wild.

Samsung zero-touch enrolment resolution

A temporary fix has been applied via Google. A permanent fix will be pushed OTA later.
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Enterprise (#enterprise)

What's new (so far) for enterprise in Android 15

I've been sleuthing, check out some of the changes coming to Android 15 for enterprise.

Google quietly introduces new quotas for unvalidated AMAPI use

Private, unregistered AMAPI use has run mostly unchecked up to now. Google has decided enough is enough.

What is Play Auto Install (PAI) in Android and how does it work?

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when you're presented with a list of recommended applications on device setup? Now you'll know.

AMAPI publicly adds support for DPC migration

The PlayEMM API, on which custom DPC-based EMM solutions are built, has had a looming deprecation over it for some time. This is the first such public example of both the intention to migrate devices into AMAPI, and the DPC migration solution debuted back in 2019.
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Guides (#guides)

Mute @channel & @here notifications in Slack

Notification-geddon no more.

Connecting two Synologies via SSH using public and private key authentication

A Synology is basically a linux system, in a small case and with a nice web interface to do most basic tasks. For the tasks which do not run by default from the web interface, SSH can be used. This tutorial demonstrates how to set up passwordless SSH between two (or more) Synology boxes. This is very useful for automated tasks, such as automated backups. In this tutorial we will have a local Synology and a remote Synology. The local Synology will be able to connect over SSH without a password, to the remote Synology.

How to update Rsync on Mac OS Mojave and High Sierra

Out of the box, Mac OS High Sierra ships with a 12 year old version of Rsync. The reason for this is that Apple doesn’t include anything released under GPLv3 or similar licenses. Luckily, it's relatively quick and simple to update Rsync using Homebrew. Homebrew is a package manager not dissimilar to Yum on Redhat or Apt on Debian. You can follow the instructions in the above link, or just copy and paste the commands documented as follows.

Deploying MobileIron 9.1+ on KVM

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Meta (#meta)

Introducing Micro Mobility

A new venture for the next generation of Modern Mobility Management Experts.

Sunsetting Discuss comment platform

With the new website and lack of use, the Discuss comments platform is being shut down.

Relaunching bayton.org

After a year of designing and developing, the new site is live. Come and see what's new.

I'm joining Social Mobile as Director of Android Innovation

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