Back to some regularly-scheduled programming (get it? Because AMAPI?)

Google have been on a pleasant tear as of late, with today's new API being another long-supported AOSP API our Custom DPC partners have been able to leverage for years now:

Display settings!

We have an API for Screen timeout (screenTimeoutSettings), and another for Display brightness (screenBrightnessSettings).

Admins will - whenever our AMAPI ecosystem partners implement them - soon be able to provide granular control over the brightness of a device (kiosk/POS/dedicated use thank you much!) as well as more control over how and when device screens time out. Again, definitely not new and you've likely seen them in the behemoths of the ecosystem for a long time, but AMAPI is still playing catchup on feature parity with the available DPM/user manager APIs we have available.

In other news!

ChromeOS is adopting components of the Android stack!:


This isn't the threatened convergence the media have harked on about for the last several years; ChromeOS and Android continue to live separate, complimentary lives. No, this is a conscious decision to reduce the frequency of which the teams have to implement the same features in two different platforms.

It's a decision emerged in the context of AI, because of course it is, but will have far-reaching benefits over the longer term for both platforms. Yay ✨

.. and in semi-related news, the prospect of running ChromeOS on Android has returned, it seems Google either had a change of heart based on the outpouring of positive feedback to the idea, or they were playing smoke and mirrors the whole time.

An upcoming Ferrochrome launcher application appears to be bringing this to fruition, without the need for manual compiling and root access to leverage it we need today:


I wonder if it'll support ChromeOS management. That's a project for another day.

Finally, Beta 3 for Android 15 is out! This marks platform stability and confirms the new API level of 35. Get to testing, if stability is what you've been waiting for!:


Lots of things happening in Googland 😎

#androidenterprise #chromeenterprise