MANAGED INFO is an information, or support, utility designed to provide managed Android device users with a simple interface configured with actions, support information, and device details.

What does MANAGED INFO do?


MANAGED INFO allows an administrator to configure:

  • Quick actions, for calling, emailing, browsing a website, or pulling up a configured location
  • Organisation messages, with basic HTML support, allowing for rich, admin-defined messaging in-app
  • Contact information
  • Device details

Who is MANAGED INFO for?


Useful in a multi-app kiosk environment as a means of providing help & support information, but equally offers typical knowledge worker deployment scenarios direct access to organisation-defined information at the tap of an icon.

What does MANAGED INFO cost?


MANAGED INFO is a free application. An optional licence unlocks additional customisation options, including:

  • Hiding branding
  • Custom app title
  • Custom information cards
  • Disabling fun (😁)

If desired, MANAGED INFO can be organisation-branded as a custom application. Please do get in touch if interested.

View more details and pricing information:

View pricing

Get started


You can find the app publicly here:

Get it on Google Play

Help & support


Head into the MANAGED INFO documentation for support and guidance:

View the docs

Alternatively, you can submit feedback, post to the Discord community, or tag me on LinkedIn.

I can also offer additional priority support for an annual recurring fee, offering faster and more in-depth support, with additional discounts on my consultancy rate. Details can be found here (via MANAGED SETTINGS pricing).


Devices pinged (24h): 1
Devices licensed (90 day): 5.9%

Devices by OS (90 day)

OS Version (API level) % of devices Change (24h)
28 5.9% 0.0%
30 35.3% 0.0%
31 8.8% 0.0%
32 8.8% 0.0%
34 14.7% 0.0%
35 26.5% 0.0%

Devices by manufacturer (90 day)

OEM % of devices Change (24h)
Google 55.9% 0.0%
OnePlus 35.3% 0.0%
unknown 5.9% 0.0%
samsung 2.9% 0.0%
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