I've been slowly moving some of my more important domains (I own far too many) to Google domains over the last few years.

Yesterday's news will see me moving them all back out again -

🔗 https://support.google.com/domains/answer/13689670#zippy=%2Cfor-customers-who-purchased-a-domain-directly-from-google-domains%2Cfor-customers-who-purchased-a-domain-in-the-google-workspace-sign-up-flow

Nothing against Squarespace, but I don't particularly want to be a customer of theirs; my existing registrars (namecheap, name) have decent track records and I'd sooner my business goes back there.

For anyone considering the same, here's the process to transfer out:

🔗 https://support.google.com/domains/answer/3251178?sjid=13442222087065356428-EU

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