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Android Enterprise feature requests

Related to this and this blog post. Here's my FR wishlist. Feel free to request an edit to add more!

All platforms (TV, Wear, Automotive, Mobile)

# Feature Notes Implemented
01 Granular app update management ref
02 Granular (FOTA-esque) system update management ref
03 Native kiosk improvements:
1. App layouts, including multi-page layouts
2. Dual-app mode (split screen) for foldables/multi-screen (surface, flip/fold, dual-screeen POS, etc)
3. Wallpaper support
4. Intent launch support
5. Support for admin text/banner configuration
6. Layout lock
04 Native per-app VPN support (akin to iOS) ref
05 Support individual screen capture/screen record to allow management individually
06 Data management:
1. Data caps
2. App-level allow/blocklists
07 Terminology updates – allowlist for whitelist, blocklist for blacklist In progress
08 More default application APIs, like SMS android 10 and phone/dialler android 14: launcher, browser, camera, etc, etc). Preferred intent works for tested use cases, but it is wholly unfriendly for organisations
09 Provisioning app caching for enrolment (DPC extras) Allow pre-fetch of applications during the provisioning process to support faster REQUIRED_FOR_SETUP app deployments
1. Via Play Store
2. Via external/local source
10 Admin acceptances of T&C's & SUW prompts (GMS core): Whether Google wants end users to accept these or not, the hundreds of thousands of staged devices in warehouses will never see end users acceptance anyway.
1. For dedicated devices, allow a config to accept SUW prompts for management and T&Cs on behalf of the company/admin, not the user. This is a massive time-suck for us today and doesn't suit the EDLA style deployment environments we work in. android 15 Dedicated device SUW customisation coming with Android 15
2. Allow force-skip OEM SUW panels. Often these block enrolment until something is done on the device.
3. Admin-configured SUW panel for support and/or enterprise information.
11 Config of display density (zoom) For certain applications, embiggening the font/display size makes sense.
12 Config of time zone after provisioning As of android 14 this is automatic, but it'd be nice to get some manual config.
13 Config of locale after provisioning As of android 14 this is automatic, but it'd be nice to get some manual config.
14 A universal Android backup/restore solution. Preferably offline/self-hosted. Swapping devices is still such a pain; cloud services are OK in what they restore, and the OEM solutions (Samsung, etc) are a little better, but it's almost never guaranteed to be a carbon copy from one device to another, or even restoring the same device.
15 Passwordless Factory Reset Protection (FRP), allowing organisations to restrict setup of a device without the need to provide authentication for it (that often needs changing). Support on-demand auth/unlock code generation from a service-assigned account, or lean on passkey/other auth methods instead.
16 EMM persistence after a factory reset. Similar to FRP but allowing the DPC to write a management bit to a protected partition (like KME), allowing a device to be reset in an unauthorised manner while still requiring a device goes back into management.
17 Enforce support for DPC migration, and improve UX for customers. See what apple are doing for comparison. 🚧 Partially added in AMAPI in Jan 2024. android 9/11
18 Logging/debugging capability during setup/enrolment
1. Give admins a means of allowing the existing feedback option in ADP to be shared with the system share activity.
2. Allow admins to generate a bug report during setup

Mobile devices

# Feature Notes Implemented
19 Work/Personal SIM management ref
1. Assignment of a SIM to the WP phone, contacts, etc. BETA in android 14 for COPE (Corp owned work profile)
2. Cross-profile management to improve Android Auto experience (caller ID!!) android 14
3. Split of work/personal SMS android 14
4. Config of work SIM settings (Settings > N&I > SIM) in WP deployments
20 Native launcher (AOSP) features: See Microsoft's managed launcher for reference.
1. Wallpaper management
2. Widget management
3. Access to the feed
4. Removal of Google account features (for admins)
5. Managed config of home settings
6. Layout/folder management
7. Config of app shortcuts (long-press menu)
21 Enhance roaming APIs to include FORCED_ON, rather than just blocked.
22 Add DO control over all special permissions on fully managed, company owned and dedicated devices.
23 Block adding apps as device admins (WP/COPE/FM)
24 Configure emergency alerts. I've had my fair share of devices showing amber alerts and similar in deployed locations – not really the expectation of a managed device
25 Configure print services:
1. Push and default a print service
2. Fathom a system of printer remote add/configure
3. Control access to printing Added in 2023 android 9.0


# Feature Notes Implemented
26 Untethered provisioning
1. ZT as a reasonable default
2. NFC
3. Set up wizard (SUW) flow support for untethered provisioning
27 Hardware management (context of full-fat Android for the things we do with hardware already)
1. Buttons
2. Radio
3. Screen
28 Basic management action support (reboot, lock, passcode, all the native stuff that may not have been ported from full-fat Android)
29 Untethered use (remove the requirement for tether under circumstances of reliable connectivity)
30 Kiosk options (but not Android kiosk, more wear-launcher config)
31 App deployment support (tethered/not)
1. Tethered – what companion apps are permitted from the device, under what profile, support for dedicated wear managed config sent from handset apps
2. Standalone, pull down apps from play and allow managed config
32 Multiple user support
1. When tethered, work/personal profile app management
2. Disable WP from wearable
3. Cross device profile sync
4. Ephemeral/multi-user support as an extension of the handset config
33 Industrial use case support (wear for wearable barcode scanners, data input, etc) so we can justify building with wear rather than AOSP as is the case today for small-screen industrial devices.
34 Open up wear to more OEMs (this isn't a FR, so much as a biz decision to boost wear in the ecosystem)


# Feature Notes Implemented
35 Align unified provisioning method options across all non-mobile platforms - TV, Android Automotive, Wear. I'm hoping BTE will actually handle this with managed Google accounts
36 Push notifications for webapps support


# Feature Notes Implemented
37 Cuttlefish builds for TV, Automotive, Wear allowing virtual enterprise testing. Polestar aren't interested in loaning me a car.
38 Zero-touch customer device uploads. Every other OOBE solution on the market allows for customer-driven uploads. Resellers are a frustrating friction point harming ZT adoption for existing estates.
39 Multi-app selection/import in Google Play iFrame
40 AMAPI feature parity with on-device APIs Seriously, where's offline firmware update management?
41 Give some love to AER Public reqs are unchanged since android 12, it appears innovation here has stopped.
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Work profile
Fully managed
App management