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Android Enterprise provisioning guides

What is Android Enterprise?

For information regarding Android Enterprise, including what it is, the deployment scenarios stated below and how it can benefit organisations, have a read of What is Android Enterprise and why is it used?

The following guides have been created for reference purposes only. As individual environments differ, some aspects may not be relevant and others may not be present.

The Android version used in each guide is indicated underneath the title; this does not reflect the minimum version required for the features described in each guide, but rather the OS version the guide was undertaken against as screenshots and workflow can vary slightly between major OS versions.

Bespoke, white-label documentation can be provided on request. Use the contact page for enquiries.

If you notice any issues with these guides – typos, incorrect steps, etc, please leave a comment below, tweet me @jasonbayton or use the contact page to send me a message. The same applies if you’d like to discuss any other aspects of the guides or Android Enterprise in general!



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Legacy enrolment


Reference guide(s) for legacy enrolment, enabling direct comparison with Android Enterprise enrolment documented above.

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