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Android Enterprise zero-touch console administration guide

What is zero-touch enrolment?

Zero-touch enrolment has been covered in depth in What is Android zero-touch enrolment? This document offers a good overview of what it is and why zero-touch is the future of Android management.

This guide is intended for Organisations

There are two scenarios for which the zero-touch console is used, as an organisation or as a reseller. This guide targets the former, a good resource for resellers can be found here.

Furthermore, with the redesign in 2024, GIFs will by default show the new interface, with the old interface available behind a dropdown.



In order to gain access to the zero-touch console and configure devices, you must:

  • Purchase zero-touch compatible devices from authorised resellers.
  • Ensure the reseller creates a new zero-touch enrolment account on if you don't already have one. If you do, provide them with your customer number and allow them to add devices to your account by adding them under the resellers page.
  • Ensure the reseller assigns your purchased devices to your portal.

Any of the above steps not completed will result in an inability to configure devices.

Getting started


The simple zero-touch process

The zero-touch portal is designed with absolute simplicity in mind; much like the DEP portal (if you’ve ever used it) it’s basically there for you to infrequently log in, create or assign a config to managed devices and carry on with all other management via your normal EMM solution.

Creating configurations


Once logged in, head over to Configurations to set one (or more) up, ready to assign to your devices:

New console UI

Previous console UI

Click the + icon on the right-hand side of Configurations to create a new configuration. This will open a pop-up.

To start, simply provide a configuration name, and then from the dropdown, a DPC (AKA EMM agent).

Following that is DPC extras, within this field you can paste in DPC-specific key-value pairs that add additional functionality. The key-value pairs differ by EMM, so it’s best to validate before pasting anything here. Leaving it blank is also fine. An example of what could go there for MobileIron Ivanti is as follows and more examples can be found on the zero-touch FAQ:


After which provide your company name, contact email, contact phone and an optional custom message. These will be presented to the end user while enrolling; particularly for support, having the contact name and telephone number of, perhaps, the IT Helpdesk could be quite useful.

When complete, click APPLY/Add to save the configuration and close out the pop-up.

Setting a default configuration


Once you’ve created one or more configurations, you may wish for all devices added by a reseller to be given a configuration by default, thus avoiding having to sign in to the console every time a new device order is made. Above the list of configurations is a Default Configuration setting:

New console UI

Simply click the edit pencil icon and choose one from the dropdown list.

Previous console UI

Simply click the arrow to the right of Select a configuration and choose one from the dropdown list.

Applying configurations manually


Click on Devices on the left-hand side. Once loaded you’ll be presented with a search area and a list of registered devices. Devices can be searched for based on IMEI, MEID or Serial number, or simply located by scrolling down the list.

New console UI

Once located, click Edit to the right of No config (or a presently-selected configuration) to open a dropdown, wherein you may select your newly created configuration(s).

Previous console UI

Once located, click the arrow to the right of No config (or a presently-selected configuration) to open a dropdown, wherein you may select your newly created configuration(s).

Confirm this selection when prompted. The device will now automatically enrol into the EMM of your choice when either first taken out of the box or on the next factory reset.

Deleting configurations

New console UI

Should a configuration no longer be required, head back into Configurations and click Delete to the right of the configuration you wish to remove:

Confirm the action, and it'll vanish.

Previous console UI

Should a configuration no longer be required, head back into Configurations and click EDIT to the right of the configuration you wish to delete:

Click DELETE CONFIG. There is no confirmation so ensure you’ve selected the correct one before continuing!

Be aware if the config is used for devices or as the Default configuration this will be removed, and revert to none. You will be required to assign new configs to the respective default or individual devices to restore ZT functionality to new/existing devices.

Removing devices


Should a device no longer require management, be that due to it being a parting gift for a leaving employee, device destruction or anything else, use the search area or scroll down the device list to locate the device on the Devices page. Once located, click UNREGISTER/Remove.

New console UI

Previous console UI

You’ll need to confirm this action, and please be aware this is not easily reversible! Once unregistered, you’ll need to contact your reseller to re-add the device back into your console manually; not an action to be taken on a whim.

Adding admins/owners


The zero-touch console offers the ability to add additional "users" for easier management. There are two roles available when adding a new user, Owner and Admin. The only real difference between the roles is admins cannot add/delete other admins/owners, these roles can be changed at any time.

New console UI

To get started, head over to Users and click Add user

Input the Email Address, Role and click Add.

This will send out an invitation to the named account, allowing them to log in and perform their role-specific actions.

Google account required

Only Google accounts are supported here, so ensure the email address added either belongs to Google Workspace, Cloud Identity, or is a Google account used for work purposes.

Previous console UI

To get started, click on Manage People:

Click the + icon on the right-hand side of the organisation name to add a new admin. This will trigger a popup.

Input the Email Address, Role and click APPLY.

Removing admins

New console UI

To delete an admin, head back into Users and click Remove to the right of the admin you wish to delete:

Previous console UI

To delete an admin, head back into Manage People and click EDIT to the right of the admin you wish to delete:

Click DELETE. There is no confirmation so ensure you’ve selected the correct admin before continuing!

Adding resellers


Occasionally you may wish to change resellers when purchasing zero-touch compatible devices. While it’s perfectly acceptable to request the new reseller sets you up with an account, the more convenient option for managing all devices from within one console is to simply add the new reseller to the existing customer account. To do so, head over to Resellers.

New console UI

Active resellers will be shown in the default (left) tab, with all other resellers available via Other resellers. There's even a handy count to let you know how many you have to choose from.

Previous console UI

Scroll through the list of Other Resellers to locate the one you wish to add, then click Enroll.

Click Enroll/CONFIRM on the pop-up.

In the background, this sends a request to the reseller to accept your customer account. The reseller must accept your account in order to add devices into your console! Resellers cannot add themselves to your account without you opting to enrol, and once enrolled the new reseller cannot see the existing devices on your console, only those they add themselves.

Removing resellers


To remove a reseller, preferably (but not necessarily) after all existing devices are unregistered and the relationship with the reseller terminated, head over to Resellers.

New console UI

Previous console UI

Scroll through the list of Active Resellers to locate the one you wish to remove, then click Remove/DELETE.

Click Remove/CONFIRM on the pop-up.

This will prevent the now-removed reseller from adding (or re-adding) devices to your console.

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