I’ve created two Android evolution graphics: one that simply includes all Android versions, the second that incorporates Android Enterprise.
From Android 10 there’s only one evolution graphic, which incorporates Android Enterprise. It’s super easy to remove AE references from the PPTx if desired, or grab an older version of the Android-only PPTx.
The reasoning for this is twofold:
Please feel free to use them, modify them and re-distribute them. I only request you provide credit, and share your own PPTx for others to benefit in kind! If your documentation is public, I’d love to see what you’ve created! Tweet me @jasonbayton with the link.
Future updates to this document will located on this page, feel free to come on back after the next version of Android launches!
Click the image to view the PDF.
Android PPTx link: Android_Evolution.pptx
Android Enterprise PPTx link: Android_Evolution_AE.pptx
Pie: Android PPTx link: Android_Evolution_2018.pptx
Android Enterprise PPTx link: Android_Evolution_AE-2018.pptx
Android 10:
Android Enterprise PPTx link: AndroidEvolutionv4.pptx
Android 11:
Android Enterprise PPTx link: AndroidEvolutionv5.pptx