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How to become a zero-touch enrolment reseller

As more OEMs adopt zero-touch as standard for devices, whether Android Enterprise Recommended or not, organisations may find customer interest in the deployment method is rapidly increasing. Applying to join the zero-touch reseller programme is quick and simple, and enables organisations to offer a true out of box experience.

Who can become a zero-touch enrolment reseller?


Whether you’re a distributor, carrier, OEM or any other organisation working with devices, you may qualify for zero-touch enrolment reseller status if you meet the following requirements:

  • You sell devices directly
  • You sell devices via a distributor (and handle point of sale processes)

If you sell devices via a single distributor, it may be worth first exploring if it’d be more efficient for the distributor to handle zero-touch enrolment, should they support this.

Apply for the zero-touch reseller programme


To apply to become a zero-touch reseller, head to the zero-touch partner portal and register. The zero-touch team will be in touch should they require more information to progress the application.

During the process, you’ll need to have resources both legal and technical available as the organisation will need to sign a legal contract and undertake zero-touch enrolment technical validation.

Good luck!

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