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Android Enterprise DPC identifier collection

The following DPC identifiers (EMM tokens) can be used during Android Enterprise fully managed provisioning.

To use them, follow the setup wizard on the Android device until a Google account is requested. In place of a Google account, type the DPC identifier beginning with afw#. Check out Android Enterprise provisioning guides for a visual guide (search for DPC identifier).

DPC identifiers


Use Ctrl + F or your device equivalent to search for your EMM solution as it may take some time to scroll through the below tokens line by line.

MobileIron Core afw#mobileiron.core
MobileIron Cloud
SOTI Mobicontrol afw#mobicontrol
IBM MaaS360 afw#maas360
Citrix XenMobile afw#xenmobile
VMware WS1 UEM afw#hub
Cisco Meraki afw#meraki
Shoonya afw#shoonya
MobileIron Core Telekom afw#telekom.mi
Knox Manage afw#knoxmanage
Matrix42 afw#matrix42
Avalanche afw#avalanche
BlackBerry UEM afw#blackberry
Microsoft Intune afw#setup
Codeproof EMM afw#codeproof
Codeproof EMM afw#codeproof.lg
Codeproof EMM
Android Management API afw#setup
Test DPC afw#testdpc
ZENworks afw#zenworks
SureMDM afw#suremdm
KACE Cloud MDM afw#kace
TinyMDM afw#tinymdm
EvoluzioneICT afw#evoluzioneict
Manage Engine MDM afw#memdm
Miradore afw#miradore
Wizy EMM afw#setup
Pulse One afw#pulse
Sophos Mobile afw#sophos
Fusion EMM afw#fusionemm
FAMOC afw#famoc
MobiLock Pro afw#mobilock
MobileIron Cloud AtWork afw#mobileiron.atwork
VMware Workspace One afw#workspaceone
Chimpa afw#chimpa
ProMDM afw#promdm

Submit a DPC identifier


If you’d like to see a DPC identifier added to this list, you can edit this page, request it through an issue, or contact me.

Request a DPC identifier from Google


If your EMM doesn’t have a DPC identifier today and you’d like to request one, make a request in the EMM Community (access required).

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